Viewing Your Academic Career as a Business

Welcome to the world of academia, where the pursuit of knowledge and innovation meets the intricacies of running a business. As an early, mid-career, or seasoned academic in STEMM, you are not just a researcher, educator, or scientist – you are an entrepreneur in your own right!

For Organisations/Teams


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Live Webinar

Small Group Workshops

1:1 Sessions

In this interactive session we delve into the nuances of being the CEO of your academic venture. From strategic planning to effective grant funding approaches, these workshops will equip you with the tools and insights needed to thrive in the intricate world of academia.

We delve deep into your leadership qualities, assessing your strengths and areas for growth. Together, we'll create a roadmap for your leadership aspirations, ensuring a tailored and effective strategy for your unique journey.

In this live webinar we delve into the transformative concept of viewing your academic career as a business venture. Discover how adopting this entrepreneurial mindset empowers you to navigate challenges, secure funding, and drive success in the competitive landscape of academia.

Self-paced workshops


Career Growth Concept with Office Desk